Mission Projects
Current Mission: California Wildfires
We have all seen pictures on the news of the wildfires in and around Los Angeles, California. It's hard to look at the images of entire streets, blocks and communities burnt to the ground. It is harder yet to imagine how that devastation has uprooted the lives of so many people. Where do you live when your house and the houses of neighbors and family members have all been destroyed? Where do you send your children to school when their school no longer exists? Where do you buy groceries? Where do you go to work? How do you get there when your car was burnt in the fires?
And yet through it all, God is there, and God calls us to help. Our current mission is in partnership with the American Baptist Home Mission Society where everyone is invited to join their One Great Hour of Sharing effort. Donations will be used to provide relief and hope to those who have lost so much. 100% of the donations will be directed to the designated disaster areas to address immediate needs as well as long term support. Your gift will make a difference in the lives of people you may not know. It will demonstrate God's love and provision in a time that must seem hopeless.
Gifts through the month of January can be made online by clicking the button below. Please choose the category of "Mission of the Month" and if you'd like, enter a memo of "Wildfires".