The Gospel of John: Book of Signs
Pastor Zach's current sermon series explores the second half of the Gospel According to John. In this section of scripture, we will explore Jesus' last instructions to the disciples, his crucifixion, and resurrection. Throughout these events Jesus proclaims Glory to God and life to you and I. Join us in person Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. or listen on-line.
January 26, 2025
This morning, we begin a new section of the Gospel of John - "The Book of Glory". Pastor Zach will be preaching from John 13 where Jesus meets with his disciples in the Upper Room the night before the Passover.
Please come join us at 10:00.
Welcome to Faith Connection
Our mission is to connect people to Jesus and to also connect people to each other.
Sunday morning worship services mix contemporary songs with traditional hymns as a way of offering praise to God regardless of what generation you are from. Pastor Zach's sermons are always based on scripture with specific application to our lives today. Bible studies, Children's Church, youth groups are all intended to connect individuals with Jesus.
We also believe in fellowship with each other, members of our community and the world at large. After worship services everyone is invited to "hang around" for a time of fellowship with coffee, juices, cookies, or a host of other treats. We're a friendly group that enjoys being with each other. We also believe in serving our community. Perhaps that's with clothes, or food for someone in need. Perhaps it is singing Christmas carols to folks in local nursing homes. Perhaps its donating funds for relief from natural disasters or special projects of missionaries we support. Loving our neighbors is an important part of who we are.
Please join us.
Since 1919 we have been a congregation of both United Methodists and American Baptists. Many have asked us, "How can both Methodists and Baptists worship and function together as a single church?" Our answer is a simple one. Our allegiance is first to Jesus Christ.
If you join us, you will soon see that we believe in and preach the Word of God, and our trust is placed in Jesus Christ. Our purpose is to encourage and support others around us to develop a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
We know that showing up to a new place for the first time can be intimidating, but at WCFC it’s our desire that you feel right at home from the moment you pull into the parking lot! Our services are meant to worship God and bring us into a closer relationship with Him.
We sing a mixture of contemporary praise songs and traditional hymns. Pastor Zach Dyrda's sermons relate God's Word to our everyday lives.
Give us a try. We'd love to have you join us.
There is no dress code! Some people show up in casual dress others wear jeans and sandals. Wear whatever makes you feel comfortable!
Our Children's Church is available for kids from 4 years through 5th grade during our worship service. Space is available for nursing mothers and wiggly toddlers.
Wilton Center is only 5 minutes south of Manhattan and ten minutes west of Peotone. Located on US 52 it's easy to find!